Nicolas Patschkowski

Passionate about learning, music, design, AI, and art. Check out my portfolio here:

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

Automating Mondrian-style paintings
A generator of music repetition signature.
Playing around with genetic algorithms with a first classical challenge
Simulation experiences to see emerging patterns in a group of individuals (bees, wolves, birds, fluid particles)
A simple C++ SFML + Box2D FlappyBird-style game.
You probably know the Game Of Life. This one is the same, but 3D.
A simple pong re-re-remake to play on a browser

My Thoughts

Articles I've written.

My sources of reference

These are the blogs and journals that inspire me.

A general news paper that tackles complexe subjects in depth — consciousness, time, philosophy, science...
A great blog on Data visualization and neural networks. Great animations and visualization of complexe data concepts.
dataviz neural networks
Bill Gates blog with a great insight into his life and incredible mind.
A great math newspaper that gives more dynamism and visualization to math concepts. Great pedagogy example!
A great newspaper on Neural Networks.
neural networks
A good way to keep in touch with advancements in the Education space.
You ask a question, a philosopher answers. Quite simple and often captivating.
Eliezer Yudkowsky is obsessed with truth and rationality. This is his community website on which everyone tries to improve their decision making and remain in truth.